I heart E. Beth

EA. Beth was walking down to brandin's house she took the Unnormal route "Oh... My legs are started to hurt!" She groaned as she fell asleep. She woke up in an area she never saw. She started screaming "HELP PlEASE HELP!!!" Then she saw a familiar sight "Oh your awake di*k head ya'll be my f***king lunch!!!" It was... BRANDIN!!! "Let me go ***hole please I'm your friend your love crush!" Brandin thought and then saiD "I got nick here too" he brought out a bloody body it was... NICK?! Then brandin took out a chain saw and began slicing into Beth's leg she let out a shriek as the police came by and shot Beth and Nick's body. Brandin and the police grinned at the bodyss and started to take them apart then use them as cake ingredents and ate them. Beth was never seen again and... Whatss that behind you???